Are You Interview Ready?
Interviewing is one of the most important skills in your job search journey, the best way to perform at your highest is to practice. We all know the saying “practice makes perfect”, an oldie but a goodie! Try to gain some practice prior to an interview, perhaps find someone in your network who can assess your current approach.
Although nothing compares to the experience of being in the interview itself, there are no limits to preparation.
Being prepared for your interview is not only helpful to ensuring you feel more comfortable, but it is essential to help create a more controlled and calm approach during the process for both yourself and the interviewer.
Follow the below steps to help start with your interview preparation:

Once you have understood your Steps To Interview Success, its time to think about what might be required of you for further discussion in the interview.
One can never assume what questions will be presented at an interview, but here are some common questions to rehearse and become familiar with:

Although your resume is what helps you get to the interview process, how you conduct yourself at the interview is ultimately what determines the outcome. There are various factors that need to be addressed prior to.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the anticipated result, that we forget to focus on the simple things that just might be a deal breaker.
Following is a checklist of interview Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind:
- Put your phone on silent.
- Arrive 5 minutes early.
- Rehears answers to likely asked questions.
- Wear well-fitting professional clothes to look the part.
- Sit confidently and make eye contact to suggests openness and trustworthiness.
- Identify the company needs and discuss how you can help. This is your opportunity to sell yourself.
- Bring a note pad and pen, copy of your resume (including references), personal ID.
- Be authentic.
- Ask questions.
- Thank the interviewer, and later send a thank you email.
- Arrive late, should there be a legitimate reason, provide as much notice as possible prior.
- Chew gum.
- Being unprepared suggest you are uninterested.
- There is a time and place for being underdressed, and an interview is not one of them.
- Be mindful of mumbling and using slang.
- Sit still in your chair and avoid slouching.
- Avoid discussing remuneration, this can come later. Focus on proving why you should be hired first.
- Lying about your potential is wasting their time and yours.
- Do not make negative comments about previous employment.
- Avoid touching your face and/or hair, it’s a sign of nervousness and is distracting.